Diese Woche gab es eine Vielzahl von neuen Releases, die die Citrix Produktpalette im Virtualisierungsbereich rundum erneuern.
XenDesktop 7: http://www.citrix.com/products/xendesktop/overview.html (inklusive der Komponenten wie Receiver 4, Storefront 2, …)
Feature Pack 2 XenApp 6.5: http://www.citrix.com/products/xenapp/whats-new.html
Hotfix Rollup-Pack 2 XenApp 6.5: http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX136248 (Lt. einem von mir eröffneten Citrix Call und durchgeführter Tests mit einem private Hotfix, inkl. der endgültigen Behebung des BlackScreen Fehlers)
Neuer XenDesktop 5.6 Agent: http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX136539
Netscaler 10.1: http://blogs.citrix.com/2013/06/12/neues-netscaler-release-10-1-bietet-mehr-als-200-neue-funktionen-teil-1/
XenServer 6.2 http://www.xenserver.org/overview-xenserver-open-source-virtualization/download.html
Marco Klose works as a Technical Consultant, Architect and CTO focused on Application & Desktop virtualization as well as application delivery with the Citrix product portfolio. He is specialized in Citrix virtualization, Citrix networking and Microsoft products. He has +10 years experience and holds the latest Citrix certifications and is member of the Citrix Partner Expert Council EMEA (PTEC). Since 2021 he is also a Citrix Technology Advocate (CTA).