After upgrading VDA to the latest version, a customer was faced to an issue that no performance and configuration data for the machines was displayed in Director. The machine itself was running fine and the this errors seems to have no impact to any user. 












While analysing this I found an error in the event log at an effected VM. 





Also if you try to open the perfmon you could see some errors about missing components and counters.









To get rid of this try the following command to repair the performance counter

 lodctr /r







If this is not enough then your have to re-register the icaperf.dll and repair the counters again

Regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\System32\icaperf.dll"


3 Thoughts to “Citrix Director: Cannot retrieve the data. Data source unresponsive or reported an error. View Director server event logs for further information.”

  1. D

    Thanks worked a charm…

  2. Shirish Kasar

    Hi, We got same issue for Windows 2008R2 , I tried above, but no luck so far. Raised call with Citrix and they are suggesting to contact Microsoft.

  3. Alles

    We did an Upgrade from 7.16 to 7 2203
    Everything worked so far untill I did
    manually update the
    Microsoft SQL Server 2019 LocalDB
    from the iso/Support/SQLLocalDB

    Afterwards 2 Verions were installed:
    Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express LocalDB
    Microsoft SQL Server 2019 LocalDB

    After removing Microsoft SQL Server 2019 LocalDB
    and rebooting. The Director was working fine again.

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