HDX 3D Pro option missing while VDA installation

Today I quickly wanna share an installation issue, seen while updating a customer environment with XenDesktop 7.6 HDX3D Pro to 7.8 with the latest PVS target device driver. After a successfull installation of the new PVS target device software, we would like to install VDA 7.7. Now the installation wizard doesn’t show the HDX3D Pro option anymore, so we are not able to activate the feature.        …

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Citrix HDX3D Pro and 3Dconnexion Function Keys

I worked on a XenDesktop HDX 3D project and was faced to very annoying problem with USB redirection and the 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse Pro. The users were migrated from their traditional workstations to the Citrix XenDesktop infrastructure with 3D Pro. One of the most common incidents were: “The Function Keys are not working with my in-application macros”. After some researching we found, if we set some old-style combinations like CTRL + I…

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