Microsoft Surface: CTX236170 HDX session stops responding when using two-finger scroll on a touchpad

Something I observed since a very long time on my Mircosoft Surface Book 2 is now confirmed by Citrix Support: Citrix HDX session may stop responding and hang when using the two-finger scroll on a touchpad. This was observed in certain machines running Windows 8 or 10 with receiver 4.10 or higher. There is currently no solution, but the workaround to press a system keys like Alt-tab or windows key…

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XenApp 7.6 and Citrix HTML 5 Receiver

Hi all, today I found a very strange issue with a brand new Citrix XenApp 7.6 environment and Citrix HTML5 Receiver. The Receiver starts and stopped at Windows welcome screen and closed the tab again. This drove me crazy. And after some research I tried to disable the „Secure ICA“ setting of the Delivery Group. And after this, it worked. Hopefully is this is solved soon, because I know, disabling Secure…

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